Tuesday, March 31, 2009

similar jewellery artist

Shaun Leane is an artist I have found that does very similar work to mine aesthetically. He also uses long curved shapes to make his work look elegant and beautiful. He also likes to put a sinister edge on his work while still keeping it beautiful.
When I first found him I was very disappointed that there was someone who did work so similar to what I was doing. That is why I have to push my work further so it will be different to what he does.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

How my jewellery should be displayed

At my third year exhibition I had 'glass' cubes staked on top of each other, on each level I had jewelery displayed. It worked well because you could walk around it and see the pieces from all angles. what i did not like about it was that the bottom levels had to be empty because it was not comfortable to view them because the were to low. I am happy with the boxes and will use them again but I want to eliminate the bottom levels, i could put them on stands or hang them from the roof or a wall.

arm for coffee grider

I am making an arm for an old coffee grinder it will be made out of stainless steel with a wooden handle I want it to look like a new interpretation of the old one that cannot be fixed. it must still work well with the design of the grinder.